Container 101 on Lawrencium
Container 101 on Lawrencium; June 10, 2020; Wei Feinstein
- Container technology overview
- Build singularity containers
- Run singularity containers on Lawrencium
- Standardized packaging of software and dependencies
- Portable, shareable, and reproducible.
- Your application brings its environment with it.
- Share the same OS kernel
- Package an analysis pipeline so that it runs on your laptop, in the cloud, and in HPC environment to produce the same result.
- Publish a paper and include a link to a container with all of the data and software that you used so that others can easily reproduce your results.
- Install and run an application that requires a complicated stack of dependencies
- Legacy codes require outdated OS
Container vs. Virtual Machine
Singularity Technology
- Open-source computer software that encapsulates an application and all its dependencies into a single image
- Bring containers and reproducibility to scientific computing and HPC
- Developed by Greg Kurtzer
- Typically users have a build system as root users, but may not be root users on a production system
- Bring containerization to the community-scale
- Rich image repository
- Widely used by scientific communities
- Compose for defining multi-container, recipe/definition file to build docker images
- Security concerns not ideal for the HPC environment
Learn more docker
Singularity Workflow
- Install Singularity on a local machine
- Build Singularity images locally with a root permission
- Transfer images to LRC clusters
- Run containers on the cluster
- Root privilege is not permitted
Singularity Installation
OS platforms
- Linux
- Mac
- Window
Refer to instructions here for details
Test your installation:
$ singularity --version
singularity version 3.2.1-1
$ singularity run docker://godlovedc/lolcow
/ A tall, dark stranger will have more \
\ fun than you. /
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Create Singularity Containers
- Build directly from pre-built docker images
- More involved using docker images from other external resources
- Build using definition files or recipes
Singularity pull directly from docker:// & shub://
- No root/sudo privilege is needed
- Create/download immutable squashfs images/containers
singularity pull --help
- Docker Hub: Pull a container from Docker Hub.
$ singularity pull docker://ubuntu:18.04
$ singularity pull docker://gcc:7.2.0
- Singularity Hub: If no tag is specified, the master branch of the repository is used
$ singularity pull hello-world.sif shub://singularityhub/hello-world
Run Singularity with shell, run, exec
- shell sub-command: invokes an interactive shell within a container
singularity shell hello-world.sif
- run sub-command: executes the container’s runscript
singularity run hello-world.sif
- exec sub-command: execute an arbitrary command within container
singularity exec hello-world.sif cat /etc/os-release
Singularity pull when Docker Containers Provided by Other External docker repositories
Steps to build singularity containers from NGC:
- Pull a docker image locally (e.g. pgi compiler from NGC)
$ docker pull
$ docker images
REPOSITORY TAG IMAGE ID CREATED SIZE ce c13ce6cf7f66 6 months ago 9.9GB
openmpi3.1 latest 08a5518bb344 9 months ago 14.3GB
registry 2 f32a97de94e1 15 months ago 25.8MB
Steps to build singularity containers from NGC:
Push to the Docker Hub (docker login) or simply use your local docker images
Singularity build from local registry
$ singularity build pgi.sif docker-daemon://
$ ls
Dokerfile hello-world.sif pgi.sif saxpy.c Singularity
- Compile OpenACC code
$ singularity exec pgi.sif pgcc -o saxpy -acc -Minfo saxpy.c
9, Loop is parallelizable
Generating Tesla code
9, #pragma acc loop gang, vector(128) /* blockIdx.x threadIdx.x */
9, FMA (fused multiply-add) instruction(s) generated
- Execute binary ./saxpy
$ singularity exec pgi.sif ./saxpy
y[0] = 2.000000
Another example of using docker containers from AWS
Singularity build
- Root/sudo privilege is needed
singularity build --help
- Build from a definition file
sudo singularity --debug build mycontainer.sif Singularity
Definition File/Recipe
Bootstrap: docker
#library, docker, shub, localimage, yum, debootstrap, arch, busybox, zypper
From: ubuntu
## used singularity run-help
Hello. I'm in the container.
## executed on host after the base OS is installed.
touch ${SINGULARITY_ROOTFS}/tacos.txt
echo "I love avocado" >> avocados.txt
# copy files from your host system into the container
avocados.txt /opt
export NAME=avocado
## executed within the container after the base OS is installed at build time
#install new software and libraries, config files, directories, etc
echo 'export Avocado=TRUE' >> $SINGULARITY_ENVIRONMENT
## executed when the container image is run: singularity run
echo "Hello! Arguments received: $* \n"
exec echo "$@"
More information of singularity recipes
Singularity Build Rewritable Sandbox
- Can be built from a recipe or existing container
- Used to develop, test, and make changes, then build or convert it into a standard image
sudo singularity build --sandbox gccbox docker://gcc:7.2.0
sudo singularity build --sandbox test-box Singularity
- When you want to alter your image, you can use commands like shell, exec, run, with the --writable option
sudo singularity shell --writable test-box
- Convert a sandbox to an immutable final container:
sudo singularity build test-box.sif test-box
Inspect Containers
- To check how a image is built, running script and environment variables..
singularity inspect [options] image_name
e.g. singularity inspect --deffile mycontainer.sif
Singularity Python (spython)
- Python API for Singularity containers
- Convert Dockerfile to Singularity def
spython recipe Dockerfile > dock2sif.def
Run Singularity Containers on Lawrencium
- File transfer to LRC cluster
scp xxx.sif $
- Run your container interactively
- Request an interactive compute node
singularity shell/run/exec container.sif
- Request an interactive compute node
- Submit a slurm job
Job Submission Example
#!/bin/bash -l
#SBATCH --job-name=container-test
#SBATCH --partition=lr5
#SBATCH --account=ac_xxx
#SBATCH --qos=lr_normal
#SBATCH --nodes=1
#SBATCH --time=1-2:0:0
singularity exec mycontainer.sif cat /etc/os-release
Container Bind Path
- Singularity allow mapping directories on host to directories within container
- Easy data access within containers
- System-defined bind paths on LRC
- /global/home/users/
- /global/scratch/
- User can define own bind paths:
- e.g.: mount /host/path/ on the host to /container/path inside the container
-B /host/path/:/container/path
singularity run --nv -B /global/home/users/$USER:/tmp pytorch_19_12_py3.sif ls /tmp
Run GPU Containers
- Singularity supports NVIDIA’s CUDA GPU compute framework or AMD’s ROCm solution
- --nv enables NVIDIA GPU support in Singularity
- Remember to request a GPU node from the ES1 partition
singularity exec --nv pytorch_19_12_py3.sif python -c "import torch; print(torch.__version__)"
Run MPI Containers
- If launch on multiple nodes, MPI libraries on the host and inside the container need to match
- If launch on one node, only MPI library inside the container is called
- 1) singularity pull hello-world.sif shub://singularityhub/hello-world
- 2) generate hello-world.def or generate a sandbox to start with
- 3) add /data directory inside the container
- 4) build a new image hello-world-new.sif
- 5) bind /home/$USER on host to /data inside container
- 6) ls /data inside the new container
Getting help
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- Time: 10:30am - noon (Wednesdays)
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